Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

The city’s jail watchdog board bashed Department of Correction leadership Tuesday after the agency failed to tell them about a new punitive housing unit opened in alleged chaotic fashion last week.

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Rikers monitor endorses Adams’ pause on solitary ban

Rikers monitor endorses Adams’ pause on solitary ban

The monitor appointed by a judge to track violence in the city’s notorious jail complex said in a highly-anticipated report last week that a yet-to-be-implemented city law banning solitary confinement would “only exacerbate the current dangerous conditions” on Rikers Island.

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City nominates itself to take over Rikers

City nominates itself to take over Rikers

City Hall late Friday told a federal judge that she should look no further than the current Department of Correction commissioner should she choose to strip the city of its control of Rikers Island and hand the notorious jail complex over to a receiver.

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Rikers replacement in Manhattan to open five years after jail complex’s closure

Rikers replacement in Manhattan to open five years after jail complex’s closure

While it’s long been expected, the contract presented for Manhattan’s borough-based jail made it official – none of the new jails will be completed before Rikers is required to close.

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‘Morally repugnant’: Guards stopped sick detainee from seeing doctors prior to her death, report says

 ‘Morally repugnant’: Guards stopped sick detainee from seeing doctors prior to her death, report says

Correctional officers on Rikers Island refused to allow nurses to check on a 23-year-old woman for two days while she suffered a medical emergency inside an isolated cell, according to a new report from the Department of Correction’s oversight board.

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DOC boss denies knowing about Rikers’ ‘worst-kept secret’

DOC boss denies knowing about Rikers’ ‘worst-kept secret’

The head of the city’s Department of Correction had little to say when asked about allegations that officers regularly lock up detainees with mental health issues for days or weeks at a time in solitary confinement, blocking their access to medication and attention from doctors.

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Former Rikers worker says DOC locks mentally ill detainees inside cells for weeks

Former Rikers worker says DOC locks mentally ill detainees inside cells for weeks

Detainees with mental health issues are sometimes locked inside cells for weeks or months at a time without access to their needed medication and left to deteriorate, a former social worker on Rikers Island told the jails’ watchdog board on Tuesday. 

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Rikers detainees missed over a third of medical appointments last year, BOC says

Rikers detainees missed over a third of medical appointments last year, BOC says

Over one-third of all detainees on Rikers Island who requested a trip to the doctor last year were never taken to their scheduled appointment, a new report from the Department of Correction’s watchdog says.

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