Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

The city’s jail watchdog board bashed Department of Correction leadership Tuesday after the agency failed to tell them about a new punitive housing unit opened in alleged chaotic fashion last week.

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‘Morally repugnant’: Guards stopped sick detainee from seeing doctors prior to her death, report says

 ‘Morally repugnant’: Guards stopped sick detainee from seeing doctors prior to her death, report says

Correctional officers on Rikers Island refused to allow nurses to check on a 23-year-old woman for two days while she suffered a medical emergency inside an isolated cell, according to a new report from the Department of Correction’s oversight board.

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DOC boss denies knowing about Rikers’ ‘worst-kept secret’

DOC boss denies knowing about Rikers’ ‘worst-kept secret’

The head of the city’s Department of Correction had little to say when asked about allegations that officers regularly lock up detainees with mental health issues for days or weeks at a time in solitary confinement, blocking their access to medication and attention from doctors.

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Rikers detainees missed over a third of medical appointments last year, BOC says

Rikers detainees missed over a third of medical appointments last year, BOC says

Over one-third of all detainees on Rikers Island who requested a trip to the doctor last year were never taken to their scheduled appointment, a new report from the Department of Correction’s watchdog says.

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With Rikers in crisis, power struggle within jail watchdog board overshadows oversight efforts

With Rikers in crisis, power struggle within jail watchdog board overshadows oversight efforts

The Board of Correction on Tuesday spent around an hour of its meeting engaged in an internal power struggle instead of discussing the top item on its agenda – the crisis regarding the city’s stalled plan to close Rikers Island by 2027.

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Solitary confinement ban comes into view, but city challenge remains

Solitary confinement ban comes into view, but city challenge remains

Advocates, lawmakers and public defenders on Monday urged the city’s jail watchdog to ensure that the City Council’s ban on solitary confinement be fully implemented before the end of next month, despite ongoing efforts from the city and Department of Correction to delay the law’s enactment.

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‘Unnecessary, inappropriate and dangerous’: Use of pepper spray skyrocketed on Rikers Island, new report finds

‘Unnecessary, inappropriate and dangerous’: Use of pepper spray skyrocketed on Rikers Island, new report finds

In a single month last year, Department of Correction officers used pepper spray on eight different detainees attempting to hang themselves, highlighting a concerning pattern in violation of department policy, according to a new report from the department’s citizen watchdog board.

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Mental illness and missed medical appointments: Board of Correction issues report on Rikers deaths during second half of last year

Mental illness and missed medical appointments: Board of Correction issues report on Rikers deaths during second half of last year

Nearly all of the four men who died on Rikers Island in the second half of last year entered the troubled jail complex with mental health and addiction issues, and failed to receive regular medical care or adequate supervision from the Department of Correction, a new report from the Board of Correction found.

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New correction commissioner promises to work better with oversight board

New correction commissioner promises to work better with oversight board

Top officials at the city’s Department of Correction and its independent, citizen watchdog group the Board of Correction took the tenants of the new year to heart on Wednesday, promising to have a more collaborative and less confrontational 2024 than they did 2023.

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No sprinklers or guards as detainees were trapped during Rikers fire, report says

No sprinklers or guards as detainees were trapped during Rikers fire, report says

Detainees were held in locked cells that were filling up with smoke for nearly a half hour as a fire spread through a Rikers Island facility in April, a new report from the city’s Board of Correction found.

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Council to introduce Rikers transparency bills

Council to introduce Rikers transparency bills

After having been accused by judges, advocates, lawmakers, oversight agencies, attorneys and others of failing to be transparent about what happens on Rikers Island, the Department of Correction may be legally required to open its records, video recordings and more to an oversight board should two bills set to be introduced in the City Council on Thursday pass into law.

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