Officials and activists rally after latest death in New York’s prisons

Officials and activists rally after latest death in New York’s prisons

Activists and elected officials rallied in Albany on Tuesday to call for prison reforms after a 22-year-old incarcerated man was killed after allegedly being beaten by prison guards over the weekend.

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Misconduct settlements topped $205 mil last year

Misconduct settlements topped $205 mil last year

The city paid out over $205 million in police and prosecutorial misconduct settlements last year, marking a seven-year high, according to a new analysis released by the Legal Aid Society.

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Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

Jails oversight board blasts DOC for quietly opening new restrictive unit

The city’s jail watchdog board bashed Department of Correction leadership Tuesday after the agency failed to tell them about a new punitive housing unit opened in alleged chaotic fashion last week.

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City Council asks judge to protect their power over Rikers ahead of receivership ruling

City Council asks judge to protect their power over Rikers ahead of receivership ruling

If a federal judge follows through with her threat to strip the city of its control of Rikers Island, she should make sure plans to shutter the dangerous jail complex by 2027 remain in place, attorneys with the City Council said in a court filing this week.

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City nominates itself to take over Rikers

City nominates itself to take over Rikers

City Hall late Friday told a federal judge that she should look no further than the current Department of Correction commissioner should she choose to strip the city of its control of Rikers Island and hand the notorious jail complex over to a receiver.

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With discovery law rollbacks looming, coalition launches to defend reforms

With discovery law rollbacks looming, coalition launches to defend reforms

As lawmakers and district attorneys appear to flirt with the idea of rolling back the state’s discovery reforms, a coalition of public defense groups have joined up in an effort to protect the changes made to New York’s discovery statute half a decade ago.

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DAs and attorneys call on gov to expand atty loan forgiveness program

DAs and attorneys call on gov to expand atty loan forgiveness program

As the end of the year approaches, the New York legal community this week made their pitch to Governor Kathy Hochul for expanding student loan assistance for attorneys working in the public sector, who often get paid far less than their private sector counterparts.

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