Council overrides mayor’s vetoes of criminal justice bills

Council overrides mayor’s vetoes of criminal justice bills

The City Council on Tuesday voted to override the mayor’s veto of a bill aimed at increasing transparency in the NYPD and a bill to ban solitary confinement in the city’s jails, putting to an end a weeks-long public debate riddled with accusations from both councilmembers, Mayor Eric Adams and his allies that the other side purposely were spreading half-truths or outright lies.

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Mayor vetoes pair of criminal justice reform bills

Mayor vetoes pair of criminal justice reform bills

Mayor Eric Adams on Friday vetoed a pair of recently passed City Council bills, setting up an imminent showdown with the legislature that the mayor is likely to lose.

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Opinion: Police stops in NYC are at their highest level since 2015. The NYPD doesn’t want us to know just how high

Opinion: Police stops in NYC are at their highest level since 2015. The NYPD doesn’t want us to know just how high

As public defenders, we know that even low-level encounters impact New Yorkers’ core constitutional “right to be left alone.” Under the law, we have the right to refuse to answer questions or simply to leave these encounters. In reality, few people feel empowered to walk away from an armed police officer questioning them. 

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