City Council hangs onto hopes of a QueensLink

City Council hangs onto hopes of a QueensLink

Some members of the City Council are still hanging onto hope that the city will decide to resurrect an old train line that they believe would change South Queens locals’ lives for the better, rather than build a park along the elevated tracks.

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Resorts World bets on casino expansion

Resorts World bets on casino expansion

The owners of Resorts World New York City in Southeast Queens unveiled their proposal for a massive casino expansion and entertainment complex on Thursday, marking the latest proposal soon to be officially submitted to the state’s Gaming Commission and the second planned for Queens.

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Local pols demand President Biden aid city during migrant crisis

Local pols demand President Biden aid city during migrant crisis

Less than a week after nearly 60 New York City elected officials penned a letter to President Joe Biden calling for increased federal support in dealing with the migrant crisis, several of them rallied outside City Hall on Monday calling for Biden’s backing. 

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Queens voters think outside the box in race for district attorney

Queens voters think outside the box in race for district attorney

Not all of the 64,000 Queens voters who cast a ballot in the recent Democratic primary race for Queens district attorney bubbled in a vote for incumbent DA Melinda Katz or challengers George Grasso or Devian Daniels. Instead, a small portion of the Queens electorate chose to write-in a candidate for the borough’s top prosecutor. 

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City scraps plan to bring migrant shelter to Aqueduct

 City scraps plan to bring migrant shelter to Aqueduct

Off the side of a highway on Monday evening, protesters and local elected officials gathered to oppose plans to construct a tent shelter for asylum seekers at the Aqueduct Racetrack in South Queens. However, just before the demonstration was set to begin, officials learned that the plan had been scrapped. 

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State passes Diwali school holiday bill but punts to city to figure out details

State passes Diwali school holiday bill but punts to city to figure out details

The state legislature passed a bill marking a Diwali school holiday in the city’s public schools. But bringing the holiday to the city’s schools isn’t a done deal yet.

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'Just annoying': Queens voters cast ballots in second primary election this year

'Just annoying': Queens voters cast ballots in second primary election this year

Problems at the polls? An apt metaphor for the race for Queens only State Senate District? A voter spits on the ground after exiting a polling site? Did Queens’ second primary election in as many months have it all?

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