Opinion: Clearing the air on City of Yes

Opinion: Clearing the air on City of Yes

"As City of Yes makes its way through public review, we’ve heard lots of questions and some unfortunate misinformation about this plan. As the City Planning Commission moves toward a vote on this important proposal, let’s take a step back and talk about what City of Yes would actually mean for New York communities."

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City Planning Commission passes casino zoning rule – won’t affect Queens proposals

 City Planning Commission passes casino zoning rule – won’t affect Queens proposals

A change to the city's zoning rules aimed at easing the path for developers hoping to build a casino in New York City was approved by the the City Planning Commission on Wednesday. The rule, which city officials say is vital to ensuring at least one state issued casino license makes it to the five boroughs, now heads to the City Council for final approval.

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Willets Point soccer stadium moves to final stage of approval

Willets Point soccer stadium moves to final stage of approval

The City Planning Commission on Wednesday unanimously approved plans to bring the city’s first-ever soccer stadium to Willets Point leaving the proposal with only a few more hurdles before it gets the city’s stamp of approval.

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Queensboro Plaza to get accessibility upgrades

Queensboro Plaza to get accessibility upgrades

A new elevator is coming to the Queensboro Plaza subway station after a private developer received city approval to build the accessibility upgrade in exchange for the right to build more stories in a nearby residential development last week.

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Groups call on city to explain immigrant protections at borough-based jails

Groups call on city to explain immigrant protections at borough-based jails

“Mayor de Blasio has not laid out a clear plan to explain how undocumented New Yorkers will be adequately protected from ICE surveillance and detention under his BBJs [borough-based jails] proposal. And as far as we know, the City Council has not yet formally addressed this issue,” the letter reads.

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