Letter: RBG fostered a better and a more beautiful world for all
/Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Sept. 18. AP Photo/Ron Edmonds, File
By Ann Toback
Our city and our country have lost a great jurist, fighter for equal rights for all, and progressive icon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg will forever be remembered for her brilliant rulings, legal arguments, and compassionate heart.
Her zest for life, truth, and even her passion for culture and humor have earned her a place in history as one of our most remarkable Supreme Court Justices and leaders in our nation's history. She was a fellow activist in our ongoing work for “ashenere un besere velt far ale” — a better and more beautiful world for all.
May her memory always serve as an inspiration and a blessing.
Ann Toback is CEO of Workers Circle, an organization that powers progressive Jewish identity through Jewish cultural engagement, Yiddish language learning, multigenerational education and social justice activism