Vallone invites constituents to reimagine public schools
/District 19 Councilmember Paul Vallone is hosting a Bayside information session on the Imagine Schools program. Image via Eventbrite
By Rachel Vick
Councilmember Paul Vallone and the New York City Department of Education are partnering to develop new models for public schools in Northeast Queens, and inviting local residents to participate in the process.
Vallone will host a public information session on the “Imagine Schools” program at the Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York in Bayside on Tuesday, March 10.
Students and other members of the school community are invited to participate in the planning process and create design teams among themselves. The program encourages the formation of diverse strategy teams that include families, teachers and organizations.
Organizers say they are looking for concepts rooted in equity and that can provide a solid foundation for modern life. They are also looking to support existing schools that are willing to “engage in total transformation.”
For new projects, student recruitment would start Fall 2020 with schools launching in 2021 and 2022. In existing schools, implementation would begin in 2021.