‘Already hard to recruit again’: Over a year after rare pay increase, assigned counsel say more is needed

‘Already hard to recruit again’: Over a year after rare pay increase, assigned counsel say more is needed

A year after getting their first pay raise in decades, attorneys who represent indigent clients and children in the state’s Family Courts say they are still a long way from refilling their ranks, cutting back on their caseloads and being fully equipped to provide the best representation possible to those who need it.

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Assigned counsel suits continue as wages remain stagnant

Assigned counsel suits continue as wages remain stagnant

For the third time in two years, New York State and its governor are being sued over the stagnant wages of assigned counsel attorneys, who claim their low wages have resulted in a constitutional violation of low-income New Yorkers’ right to a defense in court.

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Assigned counsel scores pay increase – for now

Assigned counsel scores pay increase – for now

Attorneys representing indigent clients and children in Family and Criminal Court cases in New York were handed a significant – albeit temporary – victory in their fight for better pay last week.

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