Queens South Borough Commander joins NY State Bar forum on racial justice and police reform

Queens South Borough Commander Ruben Beltran. Photo via NYPD/Twitter

Queens South Borough Commander Ruben Beltran. Photo via NYPD/Twitter

By David Brand

Queens South Borough Commander Ruben Beltran will discuss racism, justice and police reform Monday during a forum hosted by the New York State Bar Association. 

The NYSBA’s Racial Justice and Police Reform task force has held two previous forums, with Monday’s event focusing on the perspective of police and other law enforcement agents.

The virtual forum begins at 6 p.m. Monday. Rochester Police Chief Cynthia Herriott-Sullivan will serve as keynote speaker. She is the first woman to hold that position.

NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Legal Matter Ernest Hart will also serve as a panelist.

Register here for the Zoom forum.