Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Court celebrates official opening
/Eagle file photo by David Brand.
By David Brand
Legal leaders from around the state and county will visit Queens Criminal Court today to mark the official opening of the Queens Misdemeanor Veterans Treatment Court.
The special court, known as QMVTC, was established last year by the state court system, the Queens DA’s Office, the Veterans Administration and various legal providers to identify eligible veterans charged with misdemeanors and offer outreach services. The court refers eligible defendants to specialized support services and treatment as an alternative to incarceration.
QMVTC Presiding Judges Scott Dunn and Jeffrey Gershuny are both former members of the armed services and discussed the importance of the court’s mission in last year’s announcement.
“I am proud to preside in the QMVTC and look forward, along with the team, to ensuring that all veterans and current military personnel in the criminal justice system are treated honorably, respectfully and with the dignity that they have earned,” said Dunn, who served in the Air Force.
“As a fellow veteran, I am profoundly honored and privileged to have the opportunity to preside in this Court and work with our QMVTC staff and stakeholders to provide unique opportunities, resources and treatment to current and former service members of our armed forces who are in need,” added Gershuny, an Army veteran.
Dunn and Gershuny will join QMVTC graduates Peguy Alcide and Christopher Porr, and New York City Criminal Court Administrative Judge Tamiko Amaker for the official opening inside the Criminal Courthouse’s Ceremonial Courtroom.
Hon. Sherry Klein Heitler, chief of policy and planning, for NYS Courts; DA-elect Melinda Katz, the Queens borough president; Senior Executive ADA James Quinn, Legal Aid Criminal Defense Project Attorney-in-Charge Tim Rountree, Queens Law Associates Executive Director Lori Zeno; VA Homeless Programs Manager Karen Fuller will also attend the event.