Pro-cop motorists plan ‘honking caravan’ through Central Queens
/Pro-cop demonstrators marched through Middle Village June 22. Eagle photo by David Brand
By David Brand
A pro-cop procession will putter through Forest Hills Sunday, with drivers demonstrating their support for the NYPD by revving their engines and leaning on their car horns.
The event, billed as a “honking caravan,” invites motorists to gather at the 107th Precinct in Kew Gardens Hills, cruise along Jewel Avenue and 69th Road into Forest Hills and travel up Yellowstone Boulevard to the 112th Precinct. Drivers will depart at 11 a.m., according to an event flyer shared on Facebook.
“The event will not feature speeches and will be COVID-19 compliant,” the flyer states.
Event flyer shared on Facebook
Local police officers will staff the parade route, but will not participate in the event, said 112th Precinct Community Affairs Officer Keith Tilly. Uniformed officers joined similar marches and rallies in Brooklyn and Manhattan Wednesday, in violation of the police handbook.
“We’re not involved. We’re basically setting up some man power,” Tilly said, adding that officers welcome so-called “Back the Blue” events.
“It’s always good to have support,” he said.
The event flyer indicates that the parade will continue along congested Austin Street and Continental Avenue, but Tilly said that idea was nixed because of outdoor dining in the area.
“When they do come through the 112th, they’re going to continue on Woodhaven, not Austin and Continental,” he said.
Pro-police rallies have been organized throughout the city in response to massive Black Lives Matter protests touched off by the police killing of George Floyd in May. NYPD officers have been widely criticized for using excessive force in response to demonstrations across the city. NYPD supporters at a Blue Lives Matter rally in Middle Village June 22 said officers are being harassed and disrespected.
The event planned for Sunday morning has encountered mixed responses on social media, especially after pro-cop demonstrators beat and injured counter protestors during rallies in Southern Brooklyn last weekend.
But not all opposition to Sunday’s event relates to the controversial politics and racist undertones of Blue Lives Matter activism.
“Oh great, just as the constant fireworks started to die down, now we having a parade of honking cars in addition to the drag racing/muffler cut-outs I’ve been listening to for months,” wrote one user in a local Facebook group.
Community Board 6 Chairperson Alexa Weitzman said she worries about the use of cars.
“My concern about a ‘honking caravan’ is that cars are potentially very dangerous to others using the road especially pedestrians, older adults, children and cyclists,” Weitzman said “I hope drivers are careful while caravanning on the busy streets of Forest Hills and Queens.”