OPINION: Let all New Yorkers vote by mail for every election
/Carole Wacey is the president and CEO of Women Creating Change. Photo courtesy of Women Creating Change
By Carole Wacey
In light of the evolving coronavirus crisis sweeping our state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the right call to shift the New York State presidential primary from April 28 to June 23. During these challenging times, it is vital that we make necessary changes to ensure everyone’s safety while upholding our democratic values.
But we can do more to make the primary, and all upcoming elections this year, safer and more accessible. Women Creating Change is calling on New York to make the smart decision: allow all New Yorkers to vote by mail for all elections in 2020. Let’s keep New Yorkers safe and increase voter turnout while we are at it.
These are uncertain times, but we have the tools to ensure that every New Yorker can participate in our great democracy, even if poll sites are closed due to the ongoing risk posed by coronavirus. Voting by mail has demonstrated great benefits--cost savings, increased voter turnout, and voter satisfaction. Right now--the most significant benefit is protecting the health and safety of the poll workers and voters!
At a time when New Yorkers feel increasingly cut off from their routines and their sense of normalcy, let’s plan for an election season where every person can make their voice heard. We ask Governor Cuomo to act soon, so our institutions and our people can prepare.
Carole Wacey is the President and CEO of Women Creating Change, a nonprofit focused on increasing civic engagement among underserved women in New York City.