Nonprofit Talk: Shutdown creates challenges for domestic violence organizations
/Stephanie Nilva is the executive director of Day One. Photo courtesy of Day One
By Stephanie Nilva, as told to the Eagle
Stephanie Nilva is the executive director of Day One, which partners with youth across New York City to end dating abuse and domestic violence through community education, supportive services, legal advocacy and leadership development. The nonprofit serves residents up to age 24 across all five boroughs with supportive services and preventative programs related to dating violence.
How has your organization navigated the pandemic while continuing to carry out your mission?
We responded to the shutdown by immediately pivoting all operations to remote work. Our first priority was to support clients with scheduled court dates. Our legal services for those facing domestic violence and abuse have continued through support online and by phone. Trials were delayed once we ensured our clients were safe. Our counseling and social services have similarly continued, with our staff reaching out and keeping lines of communication open to existing clients, while conducting new intakes. However, for those currently facing abuse, it is often not easy to safely connect with them and provide resources.
How have you adapted other elements of your work?
Our educational, school-based programming, where we work with middle and high school age youth to promote healthy relationships and prevent abuse, has required the most creative adjustments. For example, some of our Relationship Abuse Prevention Program coordinators have taken to Instagram Live to connect with youth in their school communities. Other trainers are conducting workshops for youth, distributing materials, and delivering webinars for professionals.
How have the needs of the people you serve shifted amid the pandemic?
For people experiencing domestic violence, the shutdown has created a particularly devastating situation, as those who are isolated with an abusive partner are at incredible risk. And the statistics unfortunately show this to be true, with domestic violence reports across New York up 30% in April.
What is particularly troubling is that we think this is just the tip of the iceberg—many in these situations can't safely reach out for help until they have more freedom of movement and time away from their partner—and organizations are anticipating a strain on legal and supportive services when things open up.
What other concerns have arisen recently?
In addition to what most people think of as intimate partner violence, technology-based abuse—which most studies say affects more than 25% of young people—is certainly increasing as well, with our lives restricted to online interactions. But it remains below the radar while teens are isolated in their homes, away from trusted helping adults.
We also have concerns about survivors who are feeling reluctant to contact law enforcement given concerns about police violence.
What types of support does your organization most need now?
What we need most is support through fundraising and monetary donations. The crisis has been particularly tough on nonprofits like us for a few reasons—one of which being that we cancelled our gala, which typically generates a significant portion of our unrestricted revenue. We collaborate with city agencies to deliver trainings, and entire contracts have been cancelled as well, as cost-cutting spreads across institutions.
What do you think the future holds for organizations like yours as a result of the pandemic?
In the short term, domestic violence organizations across the city are bracing for a flood of people seeking help. Because many in these situations can't safely reach out to us until they have more freedom of movement and time away from their partner, we anticipate a strain on legal and supportive services when things open up.
In the long term, the economic impact of the pandemic will be profound, and that sort of pressure leads to higher rates of abuse as well. We also know that less-resourced communities that see higher rates of domestic violence are more vulnerable to COVID-19.
Where can people go for resources if they are facing domestic violence or relationship abuse?
Those seeking support can call NYC 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-621-HOPE or search for NYC HOPE to be directed to the city’s online resources. For specialized services for young survivors up to age 24, visit Day One at or call 1-800-214-4150.
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