No matter who is president, we must commit to equality, freedom and justice

Dalvanie K. Powell is president of the United Probation Officers Association. Photo courtesy of UPOA

Dalvanie K. Powell is president of the United Probation Officers Association. Photo courtesy of UPOA

By Dalvanie Powell

As Probation Officers, we've always supported those seeking to turn their lives around and helped them navigate the road ahead toward success. We balance giving people a second chance with the need to keep our communities safe. As a union, we've fought for good jobs and equal pay for equal work. That is what we want for our city and our nation.

This has been a challenging year — we’ve witnessed a pandemic that has cost countless lives, a collapsed economy that has forced our friends and neighbors into housing and hunger insecurity, and uprisings across our country amid ongoing social injustices. 

No matter who serves as our President, we must commit to always challenge wrongs and seek what is right — equality, freedom, and justice. 

The significant turnout, both in early and absentee voting, is a testament to how expanded opportunities to cast ballots yields greater civic participation. Throughout this process, even if legal challenges arise, we must have confidence in the system. And whenever we disagree with the process, it is our right to stand up, rise up, and speak out. 

Today’s results will elevate a woman of color to the Vice Presidency for the first time in our country’s history. This is a moment of pride for many of us. The struggle for full equality is far from over, but genuine progress such as this gives us hope. 

In the days ahead, we appeal for calm. The divisive climate in our country unfortunately will not disappear due to any one person. It is up to all of us to set an example, to wield what we preach every day to those in our care. That is to stay informed, to listen to one another, and to respect all voices.

Dalvanie K. Powell is president of the United Probation Officers Association.