New QC science professors marry fact and fiction

Maral Tajerian, center, explains her research to Interim President Tramontano, as undergraduate biology major Kathia Giardullo looks on. Sebastian Alvarado, mentioned in the story caption now, is Maral’s husband

Maral Tajerian, center, explains her research to Interim President Tramontano, as undergraduate biology major Kathia Giardullo looks on. Sebastian Alvarado, mentioned in the story caption now, is Maral’s husband

By Victoria Merlino

Call these professors Marvel-ous.

Queens College Interim President William Tramontano continues to familiarize himself with the campus community through a visit to the college’s science labs, and new faculty members Sebastian Alvarado and Maral Tajerian. A husband-and-wife team, Tajerian and Alvarado run a consulting firm for science in fiction, such as for broadcast television, film and video games, working with clients like Marvel Entertainment.  

As professors, however, the two aren’t teaching classes on Iron Man suits or vibranium. Alvardo studies the evolution of the African cichlid fish, while Tajerian researches chronic pain. Both completed their Ph.D.s at McGill University.

Tramontano replaced former Queens College President Félix Matos Rodríguez, who became CUNY’s chancellor, the university system’s top position, in May. Queens CUNYs face a shortage of permanent leadership, with four out of five schools lacking a top official.  Across CUNY, eight schools are seeking, or will soon be seeking, a new president.

This article previously misstated that biology accounts for a quarter of bachelor’s degrees awards at Queens College. The Eagle regrets this error.