Rain or shine, win or lose, this artist illustrates every Mets home game
/Andrew Hermida will display his Mets art at a gallery show Saturday. Photo courtesy of Hermida
By David Brand
Andrew Hermida started drawing at Citi Field in 2014. Since then, he has illustrated hundreds of Mets home games — as well as matchups at Fenway Park and in stadiums around the world. He focuses less on the action on the field and more on the scene in the stands: his fellow fans, the various vendors and, of course, Mr. Met.
Hermida, who goes by @HermHerman on Instagram, has earned a cult following thanks to his unique project and his unfailing commitment to illustrating, no matter how cold it gets in the 11th inning of an early-April night game or how hot the August midday sun makes the Citi Field seats. If you’ve been to a Mets game in the past couple years, you may have encountered him — his red, Justin Turneresque beard dangling over a drawing pad as he sketches the crowd around him.
Now, Hermida is taking his popular Instagram gallery to the physical world. You can come see — and purchase — all 81 one of his Citi Field scenes on Saturday at an arts space at 69 Eldridge St in the Lower East Side.
The Eagle talked with Hermida about his Amazin’ project and what the future has in store. It’s the first installment in our series on the best fans in the world.
How did you get started with this specific project? What inspired you to illustrate the scenes at Mets games?
The first time I drew a Mets game was in 2014. Grabbed my sketchbook and drew what was around me. Since the crowd is mostly sitting still, it was great drawing practice. I was hooked! It's like having my own souvenir of the experience. I've drawn every sporting event I've attended since.
July 27, 2019. Image courtesy of Hermida.
Where else can we see — and purchase — your art?
You can see my work online at www.hermsterms.com or follow along on Instagram @hermherman
What are the best parts of your work?
The goal with every drawing is to capture the fun and excitement of being at a Mets game. I love to add the funny conversations I overhear, special game play moments and of course, Pete Alonso's home runs.
Tell us about the practical considerations and problems that arise — freezing fingers in April night games? Drawing a detailed scene on a free shirt Friday shirt? Rain? The price of tickets? (Are you prepared to drop 10 grand to see every home game in 2020 World Series!?)
Great question! When live drawing, one must be ready for all the elements. Depending on the time of year, I'm either covered in layers of clothing or SPF 100 sunscreen. The one consistent item throughout the season, is a fingerless glove. Not only does is keep your hand warm and allow you to grip your pen, it protects your drawing from ink smears.
Rain can pose a challenge when drawing, but overall it really adds to it. The goal is to capture the energy and environment of the situation. A few rain drops help convey the message.
If the Mets make a World Series run in 2020, I guarantee to be at every home game! I have good credit.
On Fridays, Hermida draws on the Free Shirt Friday free shirts — an added layer of mastery. Photo courtesy of Hermida
How long have you been a Mets fan? What are some of your favorite Mets memories? What are some of the darkest moments in your personal fandom?
My go to answer for this question is "It's my Dad's fault." My Dad grew up a Mets fan, so naturally I followed suit. I have so many fun Mets memories, but the one that comes to mind instantly is August 9th 2019. That game was electric from the start and what an amazing ending! I think it's funny that I drew that game on a shirt, while Conforto was getting his ripped off.
The darkest Mets fandom moment that comes to mind, is the final game at Shea Stadium. I was there with my Dad, and not only were we looking forward to the closing festivities of Shea, but also hopefully winning that game and making the playoffs. We all know what happened...
Editor’s note: The Mets lost the game and blew their chance to make the playoffs, completing their second consecutive late-season meltdown
Who is your favorite player, and favorite player to draw? Why?
Gary Carter is my all time favorite Met. What a class act. Wish I drawing the games back then. Currently, I love to draw all the players, but my absolute favorite thing to draw are the vendors. They have so much personality and are always working so hard. I try to draw them as often as I can.
The Mets shut out the Dodgers on Sept. 14, 2019 and Hermida drew the crowd watching the Jacob de Grom/ Hyun Jun Ryu pitchers’ duel. Photo courtesy of Hermida
Who (besides 50 Cent) has given you some issues?
Haha! For the record, 50 Cent had the greatest first pitch in history! I'm obsessed with it and hope he tries to redeem himself in the future. I'll definitely be there to capture it.
What is your arts background? Do you have a "day job" in addition to Mets illustrations?
I've been drawing since I was a kid, and then went on to study illustration at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) where I received my BFA. Working as a full time artist is tough and sometimes you need to get creative to make some extra income. You can usually find me drawing commissions or other live events.
How have the Mets recognized your work? What about Mets fans?
I've met many amazing people in the Mets organization and grateful for their support. Hopefully one day I'll get the opportunity draw a shirt for free shirt Friday!
Mets fans are the greatest, and I love when someone comes to visit while I'm drawing. I'm always looking for a Mets drawing crew, so if you are interested, come find me!
I saw your TV segment when you went to Fenway. What kind of response have you received from the broader baseball community and from artists and fans outside NYC?
Drawing at Fenway was awesome! Every seat was filled and the atmosphere is drastically different from CitiField. No "Built Ford Tough Challenge" though :(
People are generally supportive and looking for drawings of their favorite team. The baseball art community is pretty tight and I've gotten to draw with other artists from NYC, Chicago and Japan!
What can we expect in the future?
Besides the show on November 16th, I'm currently laying out a book of all the 2019 Mets home games. Stay tuned! In 2020, you can expect many more drawings from all different types of sporting events and of course more Mets game drawings. The ultimate goal is to draw every Mets game in a season. All 162! If anyone is interested in making that happen, call me :)