Queens World Film Festival will stream online

Filmmakers at 2019’s Queens World Film Festival. Photo by Ken Brown for the 2019 Queens World Film Festival

Filmmakers at 2019’s Queens World Film Festival. Photo by Ken Brown for the 2019 Queens World Film Festival

By Victoria Merlino

The 10th Annual Queens World Film Festival will move online after the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in New York effectively prohibited large groups from meeting. 

The festival will begin on March 19 at 7 p.m. on DISCOVERED.TV and will screen 220 films from 32 countries. The opening night block of films will be called “Tales of Connectedness,” and films will show the ways in which humans are entwined. 

“We selected 200+ incredible films. We literally have something for everyone,” said QWFF Artistic Director Don Cato. “Expect to be delighted by cinematic treasures presented in thematic blocks from filmmakers residing from all over the globe — yet all engaged in similar Conversations.”

Queens-based filmmakers made 24 of the movies. In total 84 films are by women, 43 are by Asian filmmakers and 10 are by children in the QWFF education program. 

“QWFF is committed to making sure both creative expression and a passion for truth is alive and well,” said QWFF Executive Director Katha Cato. “This is a tough time on and for our planet. Now is the time [to] hold up a mirror to show us who we are, what we have done, and who we could be.”

To watch the films, visit discovered.tv/QWFF.