Civil Court Help Center staff dedicate themselves to legal assistance
/The Help Center inside Civil Court provides some guidance for court visitors without attorneys. Eagle file photo by David Brand.
By Rachel Vick
In the Queens Civil Courthouse, signs offering help, directions and other services line the walls.
For many court visitors, legal assistance is not guaranteed and the process is daunting. Many people come in with questions and without counsel. The court’s Help Center offers services to help bridge that gap as part of the state’s Access to Justice program.
The Volunteer Lawyer Program relies on attorneys, who receive CLE credits for participating, to provide case advice. They don’t accompany clients in trials or hearing, but they are able to offer suggestions based on the strengths and weaknesses of a given case.
Help Center attorneys handle a steady stream of clients, and are available to answer questions about court proceedings and clarify issues.
William Yellen was one such visitor who stopped in with questions about how to best handle what he believed to be unjust actions by his landlord.
“This isn’t my first time [at the Help Center],” Yellen said. “I wanted to know what my rights were as a tenant and as a disabled person. They always give good, helpful advice.”
A wall of pamphlets make case-related information available in multiple languages. Booklets like “How to prepare for a landlord-tenant trial” and “How to try/defend a civil case when you don’t have a lawyer” are written by judges like Margaret Cammer, a former supervising judge for Kings County Civil Court.
Computers are available for research or to create court papers using the DIY program.
The Help Center is open 9 a.m - 5 p.m. weekdays and until 7 p.m. every Thursday.