Queens CUNYs Celebrate Black History Month With Food and Festivities
/Queensborough Community College in Bayside will host a “Black Inventors Exhibit” on Feb. 19. Photo courtesy of CUNY.
Jonathan Sperling
In honor of the 43rd Black History Month, City University of New York (CUNY) campuses throughout Queens and the rest of the city will celebrate African-American cultural, artistry, politics and scientific heritage during a month-long series of events.
“Black History Month is a powerful opportunity for us to acknowledge and celebrate the vital contributions that African Americans have made to our nation in so many ways,” said CUNY Interim Chancellor Vita C. Rabinowitz. “The events and programs taking place at CUNY colleges during Black History Month will help us all to remember the complexity of the African-American experience in America and appreciate the incredible diversity and richness of the CUNY community.”
Queensborough Community College in Bayside will host its Black Inventors Exhibit on Feb. 19, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Lounge. The event will feature free-standing displays with informational panels that include 3D artifacts and memorabilia, as part of a "museum experience" that features black inventors.
At Queens College in Flushing, events include “In the Footsteps of Dr. King,” which takes place on Feb. 25 at 12:15 p.m. in the Student Union/Ballroom West. Students will share their experiences from a trip to Georgia and Alabama, where they visited major landmarks from the civil rights movement. Under the direction of educators who worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, the students made a five-day journey through the historic landscape of the movement last month.
A “Black Business Expo” will also take place at Queens College on Feb. 27, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the President’s Lounge/Q Side. The Queens College Black Student Union will host the event as a way for students and other black business owners to network with one another, promote their businesses and share how they were able to build their businesses.
All day long on Feb. 28, Queens College will host the “‘Our Story’ Exhibit of Caribbean Creative Arts” in the Student Union Ballroom, 4th Floor. There, Queens College’s Caribbean Students Association will celebrate the art and artists from across the Caribbean. The event will feature artists, poets, musicians and historians whose works are linked to the people of the Caribbean.
York College in Jamaica will host the 30th Annual National African American Read-In on Feb. 4, from 3 to 4 p.m. in the African American Resource Center, Room 3B04. The school will also host a screening of “Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise” on Feb. 21, from 12-2 p.m. in AARC, AC – 3B04.