Judge Love Sworn-in to Supreme Bench

Judge Larry Love was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice on Monday. Photo courtesy of Queens Civil Court

Judge Larry Love was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice on Monday. Photo courtesy of Queens Civil Court

By David Brand

Judge Larry Love will be sworn in as a Queens County Supreme Court justice at a special ceremony inside the Queens Civil Courthouse today.

Justice Jeremy Weinstein will serve as master of ceremonies and Justice Ernest Hart delivered the invocation.

Speakers include U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, Judge George Silver, Judge Donna-Marie Golia, State Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer-Amato and several of Love’s family members.

Queens County Clerk and Commissioner of Jurors Audrey Pheffer will administer the oath of office to Love, who grew up in Forest Hills, where he later opened a law office. Love attended Queens College before earning his law degree from Hofstra.

Throughout his life and career in Queens, Love has felt a sense a community, he told the Eagle in an October interview.

“As big as Queens is, on certain levels it still seems like a small town or community,” Love told the Eagle. “You see a lot of familiar faces, especially with the attorneys involved on either side of cases and the court personnel.”

As a Supreme Court justice, Love will continue to deliver fair justice in his new role, he told the Eagle.

“I’d like to think that people at this point, no matter their background, feel they’re getting a fair shake and understanding the process and getting opportunities to have their cases heard on the merits,” he said. “One of the nice things about Queens is there’s a comfort level that when you go into court you’re going to get your case heard fairly.”